- Does this belong to you? Is this yours? 这是属于你的吗?这是你的吗?
- Does this Walkman belong to you? 这台随身听是你的吗?
- Does this box of chalk belong to you? 这盒粉笔是你的吗?
- Does this belong to him? Is this his? 这是属于他的吗?这是他的吗?
- Do this belong to dualism case or dual personality? 这属于双重性格还是双重人格?
- Garfield: I think this belongs to you. 加菲猫:我想这是属于你的。
- Do this belong to liver cirrhosis or inchoate liver cirrhosis? How should treat? 这属于肝硬化还是早期肝硬化?应怎样治疗?
- Crammer 12: Facial skin often of Gong Gong, whether do this belong to sensitive nature on behalf of my skin? 谎言12:面部肌肤老是红红的,这是否代表我的肌肤属于敏感性质?
- It does not seem to belong to you to dictate to your comrades. 你似乎不该对你的同志们发号施令。
- Little Jun says: This stone doesn't belong to you! 小军:这块石头不属于你的啦!
- Where does this belong? ie Where is it kept? 这个应该在什麽地方?
- Whom does this property belong to? 这资产属于谁?
- Don't take things that do not belong to you. 不要拿不属于你的东西。
- Which door does this key belong to? 这把钥匙是开哪个门的?
- Which genus does this plant belong to? 这种植物属于哪个属?
- What family does this bird belong to? 这鸟属于哪一科?
- Does this picture appeal to you? 你对这幅画有兴趣吗?
- Do not take things that do not belong to you. 不要拿不属于你的东西。
- Why does this school appeal to you? 学校最吸引你的地方是什么?
- Which classification does this book belong to? 这本书属于哪个类别?